Brooklynites can Spot Green-Tinted Comet, a Remnant of Creation

By Yehudit Garmaise
A green-tinted comet, that scientist calls, “a cosmic snowball the size of a small towns,” will visibly sail over the earth from Jan. 18 through Jan. 25, when the moon remains dim.
The fireball’s striking color is caused by the proximity to the fierce rays of the sunlight that cause the comet’s chemical properties to glow green, explained Gianluca Masi, an astronomer with the Virtual Telescope Project told Newsweek.
Although the comet, which made up of frozen gases, rock, and dust, was previously seen only with the aid of high-powered telescopes at Palomar Observatory in San Diego, next week, Brooklynites interested in catching glimpses of a remnant of Hashem’s formation of the solar systems can head to Floyd Bennett AirField at 159 Flatbush Ave.
Grab some coffee and a pair of binoculars, and head out early because once the sun comes up, its glare can obscure the sight of the comet hurling through space: 26 million miles away.
The comet will be best seen in the pre-dawn hours between 3:30 and 5:30am, Gothamist reported.
Hashem created comets as a part of what scientists call, “the solar nebula,” or a collapsing cloud of dust and gas whose condensation formed the sun and the planets.
When a comet orbits close to the sun, as will occur today, the sun heats up the comet so that it spews dust and gases into a giant glowing fireball that is larger than most planets.
Comets were among the first solid bodies to form in the solar nebula, the collapsing interstellar cloud of dust and gas out of which the sun and planets formed.
Outer space enthusiasts should know that most of the solar system’s planets can also be spotted even without binoculars.
Because Venus is second only to the moon in terms of shining the brightest, Venus the planet that is easiest to spot, although Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Mercury can also be seen from Earth.
Although Neptune and Uranus remain invisible to the human eye, next week, enthusiastic stargazers in Brooklyn hope to catch glimpse of Creation.
photo credit: Flickr