BPJCC Senior Expo Draws 1,500 Inspired and Informed for the next Chapter in their Lives

By: Yehuda Alter.
Sunday afternoon found a massive crowd of men and women from the Boro Park community (and some from beyond it) at Ateres Golda Halls for the Senior Expo presented by the Boro Park Jewish Community Center.
“More than 1,500 people came out to this event—the largest of its kind ever to take place in Boro Park,” said Avi Greenstein, CEO of the BPJCC. “Over 50 booths—encompassing every single area of senior life—were presented by vendors and institutions within our community.”
As they navigate their golden years, seniors were able to take away important information and resources—including many social services from local and state government—which they will use to enhance this special phase of their lives.
The event was filled with numerous highlights and stimulating addresses and workshops, and Rabbi Greenstein is quick to credit the tireless work of Mrs. Hadasah Waldman of the BPJCC who worked for months putting hundreds of details into place for this incredible event.
Among the numerous presenters at the event was Dr. Shimshi Zimmerman, medical director of Chevra Hatzolah and at Boro Park Center—a corporate sponsor of the event—who has dedicated himself to the needs of our community, especially the senior population at Boro Park Center.
Senior care has been a major focus at the BPJCC for a number of years now, and they have held a number of successful events at their offices in recent months. They have also begun a series of periodic articles on health and senior living right here on Boropark24.com.
Asked about his organization’s focus on this particular area, Rabbi Greenstein explains, “We are now at a point when the post-Holodaust generation, the children who represented the rebuilding from the ashes, is reaching the stage of retirement. I’m many cases they have cared for elderly parents, while simultaneously raising and nurturing their large families. They deserve for us, as a community, to be there for them as they enjoy their well-deserved retirement.”