BPJCC and Met Council Hold Shavuos Food Drive and Census Drive-Thru

BPJCC and Met Council Hold Shavuos Food Drive and Census Drive-Thru

Over 500 families received food at the Boro Park Jewish Community Council - Met Council Holiday Food Drive. The event was a tremendous success, both the food distribution and the parallel Census Drive-Thru component.

 A Shavuos food drive is a new enterprise necessitated by the new circumstances that the BPJCC has been assisting with in greater and greater numbers as the weeks go by. Helping the community with crisis, including unemployment assistance, is one way the BPJCC can help. A food drive is another critical facet when it comes to helping the community which the BPJCC serves. As for the Census Drive-Thru, this will help Boro Park as well, during the next ten years.

"We can see the tremendous need reflected in the number of people who lined up for many blocks to receiving necessary food for the upcoming holiday," says Avi Greenstein, BPJCC CEO. "It is our responsibility at the BPJCC to help these people. We are so grateful to Met Council for providing the high quality, high quantity food which is going to help over 500 families to make Yom Tov this week."

 A large percentage of attendees opted to participate in the census drive-thru as well. Staffed by over thirty volunteers who were on hand throughout the afternoon, people were only too pleased to have assistance in filling out the census and fulfilling their civic duty to benefit the Boro Park community and their families.

 "I want to thank Shomrim for being on hand to help with the crowd control," says Greenstein, "as well as Yidel Perlstein, owner of Lucky Truck Rental and BPJCC board member. He provided the space for this distribution and many other distributions as well for which we are truly grateful."

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