Boro Parkers Asked to Limit Usage of Washers, Dryers, Microwave, and A/C, as Con Ed Initiates Repairs

By Yehudit Garmaise
Today might not be the best day to do laundry, as Con Edison crews have reduced electric voltage by 8% while they are repairing a distribution feeder that was faulty in South Brooklyn.
While crews are working, Con Ed has asked customers in Boro Park and surrounding neighborhoods to try to conserve energy by refraining from using “energy-intensive” appliances, such as washers and dryers.
For those who unfortunately lost power during Con Ed’s voltage reduction, power should be restored soon, tweeted Community Board 12, whose members spoke to Con Ed.
The Con Ed distribution feeder has passed the testing, and Con Ed is cautiously optimistic that power will be back online within the hour, said Community Board 12, which added that residents can get updates on power restoration by clicking on
To speak with a ConEd rep, residents can call (877) 582-6633.
Residents who use life support equipment should consider going to hospitals, calling 911, or making other arrangements, so that equipment remains operable, advised Community Board 12.
Residents should also limit their use of microwaves and air conditioning units until Con Ed crews, who did not report when they expect to be done, complete their repairs.
The Con Ed service area comprises Prospect Park and Greenwood Cemetery on the north; the Belt Park and Long Island Railroad on the south; 20th Avenue and Marlborough Road on the east; and Fort Hamilton Parkway on the west, Hamodia reported.
The 8% voltage reduction also affects neighborhoods in Gowanus, Park Slope, Sunset Park, Bay Ridge, Ft. Hamilton, and Dyker Heights.