Boro Park Snapshot: Shoe Repair

Keeping shoes in tip top shape, shiny and clacking away is a must.
Shoe shining, taps and almost any other repair service is on demand at this 20-year professional’s cozy store on 44th Street just off 15th Avenue.
For the last 20 years, Mr. Bechor Gaeielove has owned and operated this store which offers shoe repairs, copies keys, fixes zippers, dyes shoes, and offers luggage for sale.
This is not however what Mr. Gaeielove did in his home city of Samarkind in Uzbekistan - he used to to be a chasuna photographer.
Mr. Gaeielove remained creative on his arrival to America in 1991, learning how to fix shoes, zippers and luggage as well as copy keys.
Through the coronavirus pandemic Mr. Gaeielove has remained open and upbeat despite seeing many fewer customers. He has continued to service the same kids and adults’ shoes saying that, “not so busy but people are still coming.”
When asked about whether he likes his job in Boro Park fixing shoes for the last 20 years, Mr. Gaeielove said, “Of course I’m happy, why not?”
You can visit the shoe repair and key copy store at 1476 44th Street.