Boro Park Snapshot: Hoffy’s Electronics

Boro Park Snapshot: Hoffy’s Electronics

Shloime Hofstater is the original owner of Hoffy’s Electronics. It was founded all the way back in 1981 in a tiny 10x15 square foot store on 13th avenue and 49th street until he relocated to 5215 13th avenue, where he is to this day.

Shloime originally worked at a copy store but he realized he had no future there, so he decided to leave and open something on his own. He started with selling batteries, cassette tapes, some toaster ovens, not much but he worked hard and slowly expanded, today he runs a superstore.

Hoffy’s sells it all. They have all kinds of kitchen items like pots, pans, toaster ovens. You can buy any batteries, for any kind device. There is an entire section of bulbs for every fixture. They have a section dedicated to interesting and unique gadgets that kids love to play with.

There is an on-site cell phone store and technician.

You can purchase major appliances like fridges, washing machines, dryers, air conditioners and more that are not showcased in the store but can be found online or in their catalog.

Mr. Hofstater sells every kind of toner and ink cartridge for every printer and fax machine, which you can also buy by him.

He carries every HDMI and USB cable.

There are small items like light up address plaques, clip on fans and workout equipment that you can find throughout the store.

The list is endless, really any electronic device you need you can find at Hoffy’s, no doubt about it.

What makes this store so unique compared to any commercial electronic store is the heimishe and friendly environment.

Shloime Hofstater carries everything the big places carry along with things they will never have like Shabbos clocks and challah pans and he greets every customer with a smile, he is known for that.

The customer service is astounding. If you need help with anything you will be taken care of immediately.

“We stress customer service and we receive a lot of positive feedback in that department. I once had a customer who sent me an insanely massive thank you card telling me how much she appreciates the service we gave her and how she is so happy with everything she bought by me.” Shloime told Heshy Rubinstein of

Shloime says he was closed during COVID season for a few weeks but as soon as he reopened, he was busy and back to regualr business.

Hoffy’s has customers from all over the world like Australia, Belgium, Israel, London and Switzerland.

“I’ve been around for 40 years and I plan on continuing to be for at least that much longer.”


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