Boro Park Residents Rally Against Proposed Homeless Shelter on 10th Ave

Boro Park Residents Rally Against Proposed Homeless Shelter on 10th Ave

By BoroPark24 Staff

This past Thursday, Taanis Esther afternoon, with most Boro Park schools closed in preparation for Purim, a large rally took place against the proposed homeless shelter at 10th Avenue and 50th Street.

Residents from all walks of life gathered to voice their strong opposition, arguing that the shelter would permanently alter the neighborhood’s character and compromise the safety and stability of the community. Protesters held signs and chanted, determined to make their voices heard in hopes of stopping the project.

"Boro Park has an extremely low homeless rate, low crime rate, and low shooting rate - along with none of the other issues that plague many parts of the city - so why were we chosen to host such an unwanted facility in our own neighborhood? Do we deserve this?" questioned a Boro Park resident in a conversation with BoroPark24.

Recently, BoroPark24 launched a debate vote on this issue, with an overwhelming 97% of respondents opposing the shelter. In response to the undeniable community outcry, the platform has taken the fight to the next level by launching a petition aimed at gathering as many signatures as possible. Thousands of signatures have already been collected, demonstrating strong opposition to the proposed plans.

Residents are hopeful that their unified stance will lead to a reconsideration of the shelter’s placement, ensuring that Boro Park maintains its unique and safe environment.

photos by: Zevi Klein/BoroPark24

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