Boro Park Resident Finds Test & Trace Corps Intrusive

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A Reader Responds: Why I Would Not Suggest Taking a NY Health + Hospitals COVID Test
I am a Boro Park resident who recently tested positive for COVID-19 with a lab-certified test that was brought to the NYC Test & Trace Corp. I would not recommend that anyone else make this mistake because of the intrusive nature of the Test and Trace Corps.
For instance, 48 hours ago, the city was first notified of the positive test results of myself and one of my children. Since that time, I have received more than eight phone calls from the NYC Test & Trace Corps. Many of these eight calls took more than 30 min. to ask me questions about my gender, race and ethnicity. In addition, two different people from two different team members over a period of a couple of hours visited our home and asked to speak to me privately.
While the city wants to trace those who test positive, I found the NYC Test & Trace Corps to invade my privacy.
The unpleasant symptoms of coronavirus, such as fever, chills, and weakness make it quite difficult to spend time answering ridiculous questions. It’s enough that I have a fever, no appetite, constant headaches, and more. Speaking on the phone and being visited by random strangers is nowhere near the top of my list of things I want to do right now.
So to all those people who wonder why New Yorkers are refusing to take COVID-19 tests, please consider the great inconvenience and intrusive nature of the Test & Trace Corps.
Although I do not recommend testing, of course, if anyone who tests positive or even exhibits any symptoms of COVID-19 should follow the CDC recommended guidelines and precautions. People who are sick must stay in isolation and notifying everyone with whom they have come into contact.