Boro Park Designates Erev Rosh Chodesh as Yom Tefillah for The Sick in Community

YS Gold
This Thursday, erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, a day that is auspicious for tefillah, has been designated by Boro Park Rabanim as a day for davening for cholei Yisroel.
Countless kehillos around Boro Park—including the yeshivos of the boys and girls—have already heeded the call of Rabbonim and Admorim in the community, and scheduled as yom tefillah for the cholei Yisroel in the community.
This comes as the hospitals are R”l filled with cholei Yisroel, and many in the community are suffering financially due to the downturn in the economy.
In addition, two Admorim who reside in the Boro Park community—the Kossover Rebbe and the Skulener Rebbe, shlit”a—are in need of a refuah sheleimah. Many other Rabanim in Boro Park have experienced various health conditions in recent months as well and need our Tefilos for a complete recovery.
Klal Yisroel is asked to join this day of tefillah this Thursday, and implore HaKadosh Baruch Hu to bring refu’os and yeshu’os to all those in need.