Boro Park Center Residents Celebrate Tu B’Shvat with Music, Fruit, and Fun

The halls of Boro Park Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing today were filled with leibidic music and dancing as part of the facility’s Tu B’Shvat celebration.
To get the party going, BPC’s recreational staff and HaRav Aron Wajsfeld, the center’s rabbi went around from room to room to dance with residents, while Don Stern created a lebedig atmosphere by singing beautiful songs and playing music on a keyboard that was on wheels so that he could play in the hallways of each floor and in residents’ rooms.
Boro Park Center’s common areas were cheerfully decorated with paintings of colorful trees, and beautifully, artfully arranged fruit platters were served on rolling tables that were bedecked with lush greenery that flowed onto the floor.
Also on the tables, green Mylar balloons and a chocolate fountain added to the festive and exciting celebration.
In addition to dancing with residents, Rabbi Wajsfeld spoke with each patient individually to provide words of Torah and chizzuk.
“The rabbi talked about how Tu B’Shvat is the New Year for the trees, and like the trees, we should all have a fresh start,” said a BPC employee. “The residents were all smiling and uplifted, and they all were extremely happy to be part of the fun.”