Booted and Busted: Boro Park Residents Face NYPD Crackdown on Unpaid Tickets

Booted and Busted: Boro Park Residents Face NYPD Crackdown on Unpaid Tickets

By Idy Perl

In the last few weeks countless Boro Park residents have been greeted with an unpleasant surprise in the morning; finding that their vehicles had gotten booted overnight due to unpaid tickets. 

This is due to a recent crackdown by the NYPD to address unpaid violations. 

With the city's increased enforcement, now is the time to stay ahead of the game - make sure your tickets are paid and up to date. Avoid the hassle, the extra fees, and the frustration of getting stuck with a boot. Pay your tickets on time and keep your car - and your morning - running smoothly!

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