Bobover Rebbe Departing Today for Historic Visit to London

Bobover Rebbe Departing Today for Historic Visit to London

By: YS Gold

Following weeks of anticipation, the Bobover Rebbe will finally depart New York this afternoon for London, for days of history that have not been felt in the city in years.

The Rebbe will spend this week, and the upcoming Shabbos parshas Mishpatim-Shekalim—one of the very important Shabbosim of the year—in the British capital.

Chassidim relate that such a trip is rare, and this is only heightening the anticipation among the chassidim in the city, and around the world. While the Rebbe has visited the city a number of times during his tenure as Rebbe, these visits were short, one-day stints to be present at family weddings, never with the participation of hundreds of chassidim.

Hundreds of chassidim from Boro Park alone are set to join this trip, with hundreds more from Eretz Yisroel and cities around Europe. Aside from serving as a chizuk to the chassidim of London, a kehillah that boasts beautiful mosdos hachinuch to serve their hundreds of families—this will serve as the chanukas habayis for a brand-new building for the Bnos Tzion girls school has just been completed.

Throughout the week the Rebbe will daven in the big Bobv Shul on Egerton Rd. This shul was not erected now, rather it is a beautiful architectural marvel—serving as one of the historic shuls of the city for close to a century. It has been designated as a historical landmark, and thus, very little of the interior or exterior were allowed to be altered. The vintage beauty of this building has only been creatively enhanced through expensive investments by the kehillah.

The Rebbe will meet individually with families from the chassidus during his visit, and will participate in a gala gathering for the local chassidus following Shabbos, among many other highlights that will make history in the annals of the Bobover chassidus for years to come.


Shiur Hachuna in the Bobover Bhm"d last week Thursday by the weekly Shiur of Rav Shulem Duvid Folger.

The Bobov’er Rebbe Shlit”a at gezegenen last night following Havdala in Bhm”d.

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