Bobov: Elderly, Sick People Should Stay Home on Purim

Boro Park – The Bobover kehilla is requesting that the elderly and people who are sick or are immunocompromised should stay home this Purim and not come to shul, even to hear the Megillah.
It is also reducing the amount of alcoholic beverages people should drink, noting that intoxicated people have less inhibitions when it comes to emitting body fluids such as spittle or coming into close quarters of others. They are also asking people not to shake hands.
The policy was announced on Monday and comes in the midst of the mysterious coronavirus that has rattled markets and infects nearly 150 New York state residents. Thousands of others have died across the world.
The gabbaim are asking that elderly people or those with respiratory or heart troubles or diabetes, as well as those with reduced immunity, should not step into the beis medrash on 15th Ave. and 48th Street. This includes those with a cold, fever or cough within 48 hours before Purim.