Bluzev to Inaugurate New Beis Medrash in Honor of Simcha

By YS Gold
The courts of Bluzev and Roslowitz will be celebrating a chasunah next Wednesday. The chosson is Yisroel, the son of the Bluzever Rebbe, Rav Moshe Menachem Spira. The Kallah is the daughter of Rav Mendel Katz, the Roslowitzer Rov.
This simcha coincides with the Bluzever chassidim entering a beautiful new Beis Medrash for the Shabbos aufruf.
The shul had been under the leadership of the Beleder Ruv in the past and has been purchased by Bluzev. It will now be called Khal Tzvi Latzadik-Bluzev, and will serve as a revived makom Torah utefillah in the neighborhood.