BDE: The Skver Community and all of Klal Yisroel Mourning the Petirah of the Skverer Rebbetzin, a"h

A cloak of sorrow covers Klal Yisroel due to the heartrending tidings from New Square of the petirah of the Rebbetzin of the Skverer Rebbe, Rebbetzin Chaya Chana Twersky a "h.
The Rebbetzin was a daughter of the Viznitzer Rebbe the Yeshias Moshe zt"l, and a sister of both Viznitzer Rebbes in Eretz Yisroel, as well as a sister-in-law to the Belz and Satmar Rebbes.
The Rebbetzin was unwell in recent years and was in critical condition during the last month. She sadly returned her soul to its creator this afternoon. She was 81 years old.
The Levaye will take place at 8:00 this evening at the Shul in New Square.