BDE: Reb Yosef Avrohom Maggid, z”l

By Y. S. Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yosef Maggid,
the most senior Gerer chossid in the United States, and possibly the world—a
model of ehrlichkeit and Chassidic warmth. He was 97 years of age, and
spent his life in the endeavor of being mechanech children in the ways
of Torah and yiras Shamayim.
The niftar was a Holocaust survivor who miraculously endured
the horrors of the churban. Following this, he came to Eretz Yisroel where he
was one of the first talmidim in the Gerer yeshiva Sfas Emes. He merited
to be close to the Beis Yisroel of Gur, and nullified himself completely to the
Admorim of Gur.
Reb Yosef became a melamed in chadorim in Bnei Brak, a
career to which he dedicated his life with supreme devotion—a career that would
span seventy years!
When the Maggid’s came to the United States, Reb Yosef went
to work in the Gerer Yeshiva Yagdil Torah in Boro Park. One parent whose
children learned by Reb Yosef in Yagdil Torah recalls: “He was like a father to
his very young Talmidim…He cared for them like they would be his very own. was
a very, very soft person, and his incredible yiras shamayim and erlichkeit
made an incredible impression on the children.”
In addition to his work as a melamed, Reb Yosef was a
highly-regarded shochet. He also authored a series of seforim
called Likutei Yesharim on chinuch, shechitah, and stories and sayings of tzaddikim.
At the time of his
ascension to the next world, Reb Yosef was surrounded by a group of talmidim
who loved and admired him.
His wife, Mrs. Shifra Maggid, was nifteres only two days ago, and he now joins
her in the World of Truth.
The levaya took place
this morning at the Gerer shtiebel on 49th Street, and kevurah will
be in Eretz Yisroel on Sunday.
Yehi zichro baruch.