BDE: Reb Yehoshua Fettman, Z"L

We are saddened to inform the petira of Reb Yehoshua Fettman, Z”L, who was 98 years old.
Reb Fettman, a Kosson Chassid, was born in Debrecen, Hungary, in 1923. For years in Boro Park, Reb Fettman and his wife Mrs. Gita Fettman, a”h, who were both Holocaust survivors, owned Gita’s Linens, which closed 20 years ago. After the petira of Mrs. Fettman, a”h, Reb Fettman moved to North Miami, Fla., to live with the family of his son, Yossi Fettman.
Reb Fettman is also survived by sons Menachem, Yosef, and Aryeh Fettman.
Reb Fettman was the son of Harav Chaim Pesach Fettman, z”l, and Chava Fettman, a”h, who also survived the Holocaust.
After the war, Reb Fettman, who was still a bochur, and his parents went to Eretz Yisroel, to help Jews who were fleeing persecution to secretly immigrate.
Upon arrival in Eretz Yisroel, Reb Fettman lived near Teveria with his parents and eight surviving siblings, where his father served as a chosheve community rabbi. After marrying, Reb and Gita Fettman lived on Kiryat Shmuel, a moshav near Haifa, where the Fettmans had their four sons. In 1973, Reb Fettman and his family moved to Boro Park.
“Reb Fettman had a real temimuskeit, warmth, and bren,” said Mrs. Surie Fettman, who is married to Yankel Fettman. “My father-in-law always sat with a sefer and tried to learn as much as possible.
Not only was Reb Fettman an ohaiv and oved Hashem, Mrs. Fettman said that he radiated warmth.
“He was known for his energetic, cheerful, and loving attitude: even to the very end.”
Reb Fettman’s levaya will take place today at 1pm at Shomrei Hadas, which is located at 3803 14th Ave. Reb Fettman’s kvura will take place in Tiveria in Eretz Yisroel, where he will be buried next to his wife and parents.
Yehi Zichro Boruch.