BDE: Reb Yankel Furst z”l

Boro Park - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Reb Yankel Furst, a mysterious soul who for decades traipsed through Boro Park’s shuls and chasuna halls collecting funds, who passed away on Sunday afternoon. He was 74.
The levaya will take place at 5 p.m. at the Shomrei Hadas chapel.
Yisroel Yaakov Furst was known as “Yankel the Mechitan” because of his frequent calls “ich bin de mechitan!” when collecting at chasunas. He was a familiar sight across the neighborhood for many years until he fell ill several years ago. He had a phenomenal memory and would greet people by the names, despite seeing hundreds, or perhaps thousands, of faces every morning.
Born in a DP camp in Germany in 1946, Yankel’s mother name was Sonia Leah. The family moved to New York and lived on Foster Ave., at Boro Park’s edge, and Yankel was enrolled in Yeshiva Be’er Shmuel. He kept up the relationship with his yeshiva for the rest of his life, davening there, as well as in the Lakewood Minyan.
Yankel never married but had a coterie of close friends who cared for his needs.
Yankel was hospitalized in Maimonides Medical Center where he was niftar on Sunday.
Kevurah will be at Har hamenuchos in Yerushalayim.
Yehi zochro boruch.
Watch live the Levaya at 5pm of Reb Yankel Furst z”l