BDE: Reb Yaakov Yitzchok Liphshitz, z"l

BDE: Reb Yaakov Yitzchok Liphshitz, z"l

Yitzy Fried 

We regret to inform you of the passing of R' Yaakov Yitzchok Liphsitz, z"l, an ardent Munkatcher chossid and longtime Monsey resident. He was 96 years of age. 

He was born in the town of Munkatch, and merited for the Minchas Elozor, zt"l, to serve as his mohel. As a child, he sang in the choir in Munkatch, in front of his sainted Rebbe, the Minchas Elozor. 

He survived the Holocaust with miracles, and merited to establish beautiful generations following the war. 

He was exceptionally close with the Munkatcher Rebbe, shlit"a, throughout the years. 

R' Yaakov Yitzchok was niftar on Tuesday, and the levaya was held in front of the Munkatcher beis medrash in Boro Park. 

Yehi zichro baruch.

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