BDE: Reb Yaakov Koppel Brailofsky, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yaakov Koppel Brailofsky, z”l, an individual who dedicated his life to chinuch and spreading Torah. He was 91 years of age.
The niftar was American-born—having been born in Williamsburg in 1935 to Reb Moshe and Miriam Brailofsky—and hailed from the greatest luminaries of the Chassidic movement, including Rebbe Levi Yitzchok of Berdichev, and others.
Even in his youth, he was known among his peers of American-born high schoolers as a “chusid” who hailed from “little Jerusalem (Williamsburg). He is a Gemorah major, and can be seen learning I his spare time.”
Reb Yaakov Koppel went on to a career in chinuch that spanned half a century—with the majority of those years spent teaching at Yeshiva Mesifta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. During these years, he would also regularly publish chiddushei Torah, and vignettes on the parshah that were enjoyed by many.
After his retirement, he returned to the Gemara, and would spend many hours in the day learning. He was known throughout the community for his chassidishe varemkeit, and his smile for all.
In addition to being a feature in the Spinka Shul which was in his neighborhood, he was a legendary figure in the Rachmastrivka chassidus, and would trek to the other end of Boro Park to be in the vicinity of the Rebbe for Tefillos and tischen.
Rav Yaakov Koppel was niftar over Shabbos, and the Levaya took place in front of the Rachmastrivka Beis Medrash.
Yehi zichro baruch.