BDE: Reb Shmuel Mayer, Z”L

We are saddened to inform the petira of Reb Shmuel Mayer, Z”L, who was 82 years old.
Reb Mayer was the son of Reb Shemtov Mayer, a”h, who passed in the Holocaust, and Baila Mayer, a”h. After the war, Reb Mayer learned in Yeshiva Nitra in Mt. Kisko under the famous Mekuber Ha Rav Michael Ber Weissmandel .
As a yesom, Reb Mayer had a special relationship with the Imrei Chaim of Vizhnitz, especially during his years in the United States.
A friend of Reb Mayer’s from shul described him as “a real Vizhnitzer Chusid, who was connected all his life to the Vizhnitzer Rebbes."
Reb Mayer, who was married to Judith Mayer, a”h, is survived by Reb Shemtov Burich Mayer, who lives in Eretz Yisroel and a daughter, who lives in Monsey.
Reb Mayer worked as an electrician, but always tried to spend his time learning in the beis medrish. In Boro Park, Reb Mayer was famous for creating an especially beautiful sukkah that he worked on with great love and care throughout the year.
In his sukkah, Reb Mayer created miniature scenes from Jewish history that depicted everything from the Beis HaMikdash to Gan Eden to a concentration camp. In addition, for decorating ideas for his sukkah Reb Mayer researched seforim to learn about different Sukkos minhagim, such as hanging up 92 apples.
“Any nice thing Reb Mayer could put in his sukkah, he would buy or make to put in his sukkah,” said a friend who davened at Reb Mayer’s shul. “People came from all over Boro Park on Yom Tov and chol hamoed, just to see his sukkah.”
Reb Mayer’s levaya will take place today at 1pm at the Tzemach Tzadik Vizhnitz shul, which is located at 1231 51st St., and his kvura will take place at Wellwood Cemetery in West Babylon.
Yehi Zichro Boruch.