BDE: Reb Nechemya Gutter, Z'l

We are saddened to inform the community of the petira of Reb Nechemya Gutter, a”h, who turned 100 years old this past Shabbos.
Reb Nechamye Gutter, who was born in Kshaniv in 1920, was the son of Reb Avrahom Yitzchak, a”h, and Hesse Gutter, a”h.
Reb Nechemya Z"L, who worked as a jeweler, survived the Holocaust and relocated in Boro Park to be with his Rebbe, the Bobover Ruv Ztzl and in recent years with Yblc”h the Bobover Rebbe Shlit”a.
His levaya took place this morning at the Bobover shul,and his kvura will take place at Washington Cemetery in the Bobov Chelka.
Yehi zichro boruch.