BDE: Reb Mendel Kresch, z”l, Prominent Klausenberger Chossid

YS Gold
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the petirah of Reb Mendel Kresch, a well-known, prominent personality in the Klausenberger chassidus. He was 70 years of age, and had endured terrible yisurim in his lifetime, accepting it all with emunah and grace.
The niftar was the son of Reb Yaakov Tzvi Kresch, z”l, a legend with in the Klausenberger Chassidus, and was known as a powerhouse, filled with optimism and joy, and always having the right words to everyone.
“People loved to farbreng with him,” remembered someone who davened with the niftar for years. “Wherever he was, there was laughter and joy and an upbeat atmosphere—and he could farbreng the entire night with chaverim even as he was in his fifties,” he recalled.
But the true test of his character came when he was tried with yisurim in the form of health challenges, in addition to the tragic loss of his wife. “All the years of his illness were dedicated to Shiurei Torah and listening to the holy nigunim of Shabbos Kodesh,” related an admirer. “It was like his neshama was aflame, and his body took a back seat,” he said.
This is how the niftar prepared for his final journey, immersing himself into Torah and holy Neginah for the last years of his life.
The niftar leaves behind a legacy of children and grandchildren who follow in his ways.
The Levaya will take place today in the Evening in Lakewood, and tomorrow 9:30 am at the Klausenberg Shul in Boro Park.
Yehi zichro baruch.