BDE: Reb Meir Klein, z”l

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Meir
Klein, z”l, a beloved figure in the Satmar community in Boro Park. He was 69,
and suffered a massive stroke last night.
He was born in Williamsburg to his father Reb Yaakov Klein,
a legendary figure in the
“500 Bedford Avenue” flagship Satmar Beis Medrash. He was the owner of the
hotel in Sharon Springs where the Satmar Rebbe would vacation in the summers,
and was exceptionally close to the Rebbe.
Reb Meir’s mother was from the Teitelbaum family, and
through this is he was descended from the holy Yismach Moshe.
Reb Meir married, and became a pillar of the Satmar
community in Boro Park.
He worked for many years as a mashgiach at the Torah
V’Yirah hall, and also worked for the cheder for many years. He was also a
fixture in the Beserminer Shul, where he davened for years. He was
beloved wherever he went.
He became unwell in recent years, and it was thought that he
would not make it. But he held on. As mentioned, he suffered a severe stroke
last night, and passed away soon after.
The levaya will take place this morning at 10:00 at the
Beserminer Shul, and from there he will be taken to the Satmar Beis Hachaim in
Kiryas Yoel.
Yehi Zichro Baruch