BDE: Reb Hershel Gluck, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yisachar Tzvi (Hershel) Gluck, a distinguished Spinka chossid and prominent askan in the community. He was 83 years of age, and dedicated his life to helping others.
The niftar hailed from prominent Zidichoiver chassidim, nephews of Rav Aizikel of Zidichoiv. He survived the war as an infant, and was raised by his maternal grandfather in Crown Heights, where he became close with the Spinka Rebbe—a connection that would endure and continue throughout the years, and into the next generation, with, ybl”ch, the current Rebbe shlit”a.
He learned in the Satmar yeshiva, and merited to be meshamesh the Divrei Yoel of Satmar, being drawn close to him.
After his marriage, he settled in Boro Park, and became a pillar of the Spinka chassidus. He would regularly collect funds for the Spinka institutions. This included an annual pilgrimage to Cleveland, Ohio, where a number of survivors, Spinka chassidim from prewar Hungary, had settled. Reb Hershel would travel along with the Spinka Rebbe, and make the rounds with him to these Spinka families in Cleveland.
Reb Hershel had a tradition of being one of the first people in shul every Shabbos morning, and to recite the birchos hashachar before the Spinka Rebbe every Shabbos morning.
Reb Hershel was a true pillar of the Boro Park community and of the Spinka chassidus in particular—serving as a true example of an ehrliche Yid.
The Levaya was held at Shomrei Hadas Chapels on Sunday morning, and he was laid to rest on the Spinka Chelka in Deans New Jersey.
Yehi zichro baruch.