BDE: Reb Gershon Glatzer, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the petirah of Reb
Gershon Glatzer one of the most prominent Boyaner Chassidim in New York,
and a longtime Boro Park resident. He was 94 years of age and spent his life
learning Torah.
The niftar was born to his father Reb Yosef
Chaim Dov Glatzer in the Bronx. The family hailed from Chortkover chassidim, of
whom there were many in America of the early years. His father was a ba’al
mesirus nefesh, as it took incredible sacrifice to live as a Yid in America
of those times. Reb Yosef Chaim purchased a bakery truck, so he would not have
to work on Shabbos.
His mesirus nefesh extended to the chinuch of
his children as well. When he was dissatisfied with the chinuch in the Bronx,
he moved his family to Williamsburg, so his children could attend yeshiva
there. This spirit was baked into Reb Gershon, and this is where he acquired
his trademark varemkeit and fire for Yiddishkeit that remained with him for his
entire life.
He learned in Torah Vodaath, and here he acquired
a burning ahavas haTorah that likewise stayed with him for life. The image of
his beloved Rebbeim, who included Rav Elya Chazan, and others, remained before
him. Until his last days, he remained surrounded by seforim which were
everywhere in his home.
He utilized every minute for learning, and
this is what he loved. “He was not much of a schmoozer,” recalls a grandchild.
“But when it came to words of Torah, he was on fire… he was animated.”
His Torah transformed him into an incredible ba’al middos. He epitomized deracheha darkei no’am, the ways of Torah are sweet. Spending time with Reb Gershon—a deeply chassidishe Yid to his core—was the greatest pleasure. His middos and sweet ways extended to his grandchildren, whom he loved fiercely.
“He would regularly show up at our school
during recess with a danish and a drink,” recalls a granddaughter, and anyone
who knew the family can attest that his children and grandchildren were deeply
beloved by him. His speech was extremely refined, and his eidelkeit and Chassidishkeit
were something rare indeed.
He was also a lover of Jewish history, and
would regularly delve into seforim on these subjects, and another hobby of his
was Chassidishe neginah, which he loved very much.
The niftar spent his years doing what he loved most; learning Torah, from morning till night, for most of his 94 years, and this included many years as a melamed. He ascends to the World of Truth accompanied by these incredible zechusim.
The levaya will take place at 10:45 this morning at the Boyaner
Kloiz on 14th Avenue, and he will be interred near the kevorim of
his parents on Mt. Lebanon Cemetery.
Yehi zichro baruch.