BDE: Reb Chaskel Steuer, z”l, Holocaust Survivor

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Chaskel Steuer, a bridge to Bobov of yore, and patriarch to generations of Bobover chassidim that he shaped following the terrible churban. He was 96 years of age.
Reb Chaskel came from the Galician town of Chenskovitz, near Bobov, and a family of generations of Bobover chassidim. He grew up in the shadow of the holy Kedushas Zion of Bobov, zt”l, Hy”d, who put tefillin on him at his bar mitzvah—a mere two years before the terrible Churban which would wipe out his entire family.
Upon arriving in America, he married, tbl”ch, the former Hinda Porille, the daughter of a Rov from Rhode Island, who valiantly kept yiddishkeit in those early days in America. Despite their very different backgrounds, they the love and the tranquility in their home left their impression on the generations of their descendants.
He was in the diamond business, and was known to people in the business, as well as anyone with whom he came in contact as always smiling, always easygoing, always willing to do a favor.
While their children and grandchildren settled in Boro Park, and Reb Chaskel himself always frequented the Bobover court, the Steuer’s resided in Flatbush, splitting their time between the Muzhai and Chenskovitzer Shuls, with the Chenskovitzer Rov being a family acquaintance from back home, and serving as their mesader kiddushin.
He was an expert ba’al korei—a skill he picked up back in Galicia—and would lain at both of these batei midrashim to the delight of the congregants, all of him adored him.
The generations that he established in the ways of his fathers serve as an eternal credit Reb Chaskel, and they mourn him deeply.
The levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas Chapels at 10:45 this morning.
Watch Live the Levya of Reb Chaskel Steuer, z”l
Yehi Zichro Baruch