BDE: Reb Benzion Elimelech Goldberg, z"l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Benzion Elimelech Goldberg, z"l, a longtime Boro Park resident, and a tireless mechanech for decades. He was 68 years of age, and passed away suddenly from a heart attack on Wednesday night.
The niftar was born to his father, the legendary Bobover chossid Reb Shloime Goldberg, a Holocaust survivor who was well-known in the Bobover chassidus as an old fashioned chassidishe Yid.
He passed down this trait to his son, Reb Benzion Elimelech, who was likewise known for being steeped in Torah and chassidus, always being seen sitting over a Gemara or a chassidishe sefer--never sitting idle, always immersed in avodas Hashem.
The niftar worked as a melamed in the Bobover cheder for decades. There, he was supremely dedicated to transmitting Torah and chassidus to the future generations, with devotion and dedication. The greatest asset that he had in his chinuch work was his personal example which stood as a sterling model for his many talmidim.
During the summer months, he worked in the Bobover day camp, where he likewise invested in imbuing the talmidim with a spirit of Torah and chassidus. He was engaged in his avodas hakodesh until his last day, Wednesday, when he was taken from this world following a heart attack, leaving behind a beautiful family of chassidim and ehrliche Yidden.
The levaya took place at the Bobover Beis Medrash at 9:30 Thursday morning, and kevurah took place on the Bobover Beis Hachaim in Deans, New Jersey.
Yehi zichro baruch.