BDE: Reb Alter Avrohom Simcha Friedman z"l

Boro Park - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Reb Alter Avrohom Simcha Hakohen Friedman, a longtime resident of Boro Park, who succumbed to the coronavirus just weeks after his mother. He was 64.
The niftar passed away on Sunday after years of suffering various ailments. He contacted the virus last week and spent a short time in the hospital before passing away.
The tragedy is compounded for the family, who just several weeks ago lost their mother, Mrs. Yittel Friedman a"h.
The niftar is survived by his wife and two sons, Reb Gershon Tzvi of Beitar and Reb Chaim Elozor of Beit Shemesh.
Yehi zichro boruch.