BDE: Rav Yechezkel Roth, zt”l, tzaddik, kadosh, posek, luminary

BDE: Rav Yechezkel Roth, zt”l, tzaddik, kadosh, posek, luminary

This morning, early Sunday, the shocking news came that Rav Yechezkel Roth collapsed at home. 

His holy Neshamah ascended on high a short time later. 

He had been unwell for a while, and was living on miracles—but his passing came as a terrible shock to Klal Yisroel. 

One of the greatest poskim of our generation, Rav Yechezkel illuminated our often dark times with his round-the-clock Torah utefillah. The sight of his constant poring over his beloved seforim, his careful zehirus in every detail of his avodas Hashem, and the tremendous kedusha that he exuded, inspired anyone who set eyes on him. 

His pesakim, Halachic rulings guided our way in every area of life for so many decades—and his clarity in even the most remote areas of Torah often defied belief. 

During his numerous annual trips to the holy Tziyun of Rashbi in Miron—to which he had a deep connection—he further secluded himself, davening for his people, on our behalf. 

For close to ninety years, this world had a walking beacon of Torah and kedushah. Now that light has been extinguished. We are orphaned and bereft. BP24 will pay more apt tribute as the shock sets in further. 

UPDATE: The levaya for Rav Yechezkel Roth zt”l will be at 2:00 pm at his Shul in Boro Park at 15th Avenue and 53rd Street.

 Yehi Zichro Boruch.

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