BDE: Rav Tuvia Kupchick, zt"l

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rav Tuvia Kupchik, zt"l, a great talmid chochom and longtime Boro Park resident. He was 78 years of age.
The niftar was born in Bergen Belsen following the war, and later came to Williamsburg, where he learned in the Satmar yeshiva and began his ascent in limud HaTorah which would accompany him for life.
Rav Tuvia later came to Boro Park where he established a beautiful Torah family, and where he spent his entire life learning Torah.
He was unwell recently, and returned his neshamah to its Maker this afternoon.
The levaya will take place 4pm at the Satmar Shul 1364-52nd Street.
Yehi zichro baruch.