BDE: Rav Moshe Green zt"l

BDE: Rav Moshe Green zt"l

Monsey - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Rav Moshe Green, the senior daas Torah in Monsey and a marbitz Torah for a half century, who suffered from the coronavirus. He was 86.

Rav Green served in the past as a rosh yeshiva in Yeshiva Karlin Stolin in Boro Park and in the main Skvere yeshiva in New Square before opening his own yeshiva called Yeshiva D'Monsey.

He was renowned as a mechadesh who was able to explain complicated concepts in Gemara in simple terms. He has thousands of devoted talmidim over the course of his life. They even opened shuls, called Tiferes Moshe, to daven together in Boro Park and Williamsburg.

Born in New York, Rav Moshe learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and Bais Medrash Elyon. He married the daughter of Reb Naftali Kugelman, a German emigre who escaped just before the war. Together, they built a beautiful family of 17 children and hundreds of descendants, many of whom are rabbanim and marbitzei Torah.

Rav Moshe was the senior rav in Monsey, and until his final illness no decision was made in that town without his agreement.

Rav Moshe's hasmada was legendary. He would sometimes sit down in the morning and not leave his Gemara until the afternoon. Many people used him as their final authority, asking him his advice on matters large and small. He had a sense of humor and a big heart for everyone.

Rav Moshe had been sick for years, and was niftar overnight Monday from the coronavirus. 

The levaya passed by the streets in the neighborhoods of Boro Park, Williamsburg and Monsey, where crowds stood at their porches and paid their last respects.

Yehi zichro boruch.


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