BDE: Rav Avrohom Horowitz, z”l, Scion of Shendishover Dynasty

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Rav Avrohom Horowitz, z”l, a scion of the courts of Ropshitz, Shendishov, and Shotz.
Rav Avrohom was born to his father, the Shotzer-Shendishover Rebbe, Rav Yisroel Dovid Horowitz, zt”l—who arrived in America in 1928, and stood steadfast against the winds of the times. His mother was Rebbetzin Yentl, the daughter of Rav Meir Moskowitz, zt”l, the Rov in Shotz, and the family continued the legacy of both of these courts.
The niftar treasured the holy legacy of his forefathers for all of his life.
The levaya will take place at 11:00 at the Shomrei Hachomos funeral chapel on 39th Street, and kevurah will be in the section of histadrus ha’admorim in Long Island, alongside family members who faithfully upheld Torah and mitzvos on American shores for close to a century.
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