BDE: R’ Yitzchok Shimon z"l, Meshamesh of the Sanz-Klausenberg Rebbe

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yitzchok Shimon Z”l. He was 83 years of age.
The niftar was a talmid and right hand of the Shefa Chaim of Sanz-Klausenberg, and a longtime Gabbai and meshamesh of the current Rebbe, shlit”a.
He was a familiar and respected figure in the chassidus and was always seen in proximity to the Rebbe as he served him with great dedication.
The levaya will take place this evening in front of the Klausenberger Beis Medrash in Boro Park at 6:45.
Yehi zichro baruch.