BDE: R’ Yitzchok Peretz Friedman, z”l

YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yitzchok Peretz Friedman, z”l, an ardent Viznitzer chossid and longtime Boro Park resident. He was 84 years of age.
The niftar was born in Eretz Yisroel, and in his youth he merited to be meshamesh the Mekor Baruch of Viznitz, in Haifa.
He endured much suffering in his life, and nevertheless kept a joyful demeanor, serving as a shining example of avodas Hashem with joy to all those around him. He was known as an ehrlicher, chassidisher Yid.
The niftar davened in the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on 51st Street, where he was a beloved figure.
The Levaya will take place at 4:00 p.m. at the Viznitzer beis medrash on 51st Street.
Yehi zichro baruch.