BDE: R' Pinchas Pinkus, Philanthropist and Boro Park Host of Admorim

BY: YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Pinchas Pinkus, one of the elderly and distinguished Tosher chassidim. He was 91 at age.
Reb Pinchas was one of the great chashuvim from within the Tosher chassidus, and he was zoche to be the Boro Park host of the Admorim of Tosh, Ribnitz, and Kretchnif, zt”l.
Reb Pinchos was the longtime Rosh Hakohol in the Cheshek Shloime-Yoka Beis Medrash, and was the right hand of the Yoka Rov for close to seventy years.
Sadly, his son, askan and philanthropist Reb Chaim Yosef Pinkus, also passed away in recent months.
The Levaya will take place this afternoon at 2:00 at Shomrei Hadas.
Yehi zichro Baruch.