BDE: R’ Chaim Shia Beniaker, z”l

BDE: R’ Chaim Shia Beniaker, z”l

YS Gold

We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Chaim Shia Beniaker, a beloved Bobover chossid who was renowned for his chessed. He was 71 years of age.

The niftar was born in Lugano, Switzerland, to Reb Yitzchok Beniaker, a Holocaust survivor. As a bachur he moved to London and learned in the Bobover yeshiva. Among his rebbeim were the legendary  Reb Avrum Sternbuch, and ybl”ch, Rav Leibel Stempel, to whom he was very close. In time he was drawn close to Bobov, and remained a lifelong Bobover chosid for all his life.

He came to America later on. Here, Reb Yankel Zitronenbaum, a Bobover chosid, was a rebbi at Yeshiva Ohel Yaakov, a Novaradoker yeshiva which was headed by Rav Chaim Mordechai Weinkrantz, zt”l—a legendary tzaddik and baal mussar. He made the shidduch between Chaim Shur and, tbl”ch, the daughter of Rav Weinkrantz.

The niftar was known in Bobov for his fiery davening, swaying back and forth with great fire and fervor. He was likewise known for his chessed. His door was open to all, even those whom no one else would take in. He would go to great lengths to do a favor for another Yid, and he kept their plight in his mind.

“He was always with a smile… always with a good word for everyone,” remembered a longtime acquaintance.

He had been unwell in recent years, and spent some months at Haim Solomon rehabilitation home, where he was niftar over the second days of Yom Tov. He leaves behind an upstanding Torah family.

The Levaya will take place at the Bobover Beis Medrash at 10:00 Friday morning.

Yehi Zichro baruch.

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