BDE: R’ Boruch Bendet Fishman, z”l, Longtime Boro Park Resident

We regrets to inform you of the tragic passing of Reb Baruch Fishman, a lifelong resident of Boro Park, before moving to the Oak and Vine neighborhood in Lakewood.
He was tragically taken in the opening hours of Yom Tov, when he was fatally hit by a car in West Palm Beach, Florida.
R’ Baruch was one of the first Misaskim volunteers. “He was always the first to help in any situation. He did incredible work in setting up Bikur Cholim organizations, and other initiatives to help sick people and their families. He was a living chessed factory,” recalled Misaskim’s Yanky Meyer, who worked with the niftar over the years on numerous chessed and endeavors.
This loss came as a great shock to the community as news broke on Motzei Yom Tov.
The levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas at 3:00 p.m, with kevurah in Beth Moses Cemetery
Yehi Zichro Baruch.
Watch Live the Levaya of R’ Boruch Bendet Fishman, z”l.