BDE: R’ Avrohom Pinchos Lowensohn, z”l

BDE: R’ Avrohom Pinchos Lowensohn, z”l

YS Gold 

We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Avrohom Pinchos Lowensohn, a”h, who left this world at the untimely age of 72.  

He was the son of Reb Hillel Levinson, a Holocaust survivor and an ehrliche Yid who worked as a shochet in postwar America. 

The niftar grew up in Williamsburg, and learned in the Satmar Talmud Torah as the family were ardent Satmar chassidim still from before the war. 

In later years, the niftar lived in Boro Park, where he was known for his ever-present smile. “Even in his last days, while in the hospital, he constantly said everything is OK,” recalled an acquaintance. 

For years, R’ Avrohom Pinchos served as a ba’al tefillah, inspiring audiences with his heartfelt davening. 

He was unwell in recent years, and was niftar on Sunday morning. 

The Levaya took place on Sunday in Shomrei Hadas. 

Yehi zichro baruch. 

Photo Gallery: Gaved Woodridge Motzei Shabbos in Boro Park.
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