BDE: R’ Avrohom Menachem Zupnick, z”l

YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Avrohom Menachem Zupnick, z”l, a longtime Boro Park resident, a ba’al chessed and oheiv Torah. He was 75 years of age.
The niftar was born and raised in Williamsburg, and learned in the yeshivos of Torah Vodaath, and by Rav Menashe Klein, zt”l.
When he got married, he moved to Boro Park, and davened in the Beth Israel, and later in the Kamenitzer Shul.
The niftar worked in the textile business, but always made time for learning, and when he retired, he would go to shiurim, and spent his day learning.
He is remembered as a nice and caring person who liked to help people out. “He would always stop at the bus stop to give people rides,” recalls a son.
The Levaya will be at 12:00 in Shomrei Hadas. To watch the Levaye live click here.
Yehi zichro baruch.