BDE: R’ Aaron Podrigal, z”l

We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Aaron Podrigal, z”l, of Boro Park. He was in his seventies.
Reb Aaron was the embodiment of accepting yisurim with love—accepting everything that Hashem had ordained for him with emunah peshutah. “This was his essence,” says his son-in-law, R’ Avrum Mordechai Schwartz.
All Reb Aaron wanted in his life was learning. Torah was everything to him. All his life—from his early youth until his last hours—all he wanted was the Gemara.
He was connected to many Tzaddikim, including the Skulener Rebbes and the Admorim of Toldos Aaron.
He established beautiful Torah generations, and he leaves behind a legacy of Torah learning amid suffering.
The levaya took place at 1:30 in front of the Satmar Beis Medrash on 10th Avenue.
Yehi zichro baruch.