BDE: Mrs. Yenta Rothstein

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Yenta Rothstein, a longtime Boro Park resident and Holocaust survivor. She was 95 years of age.
The nifteres was born in the town of Apsha, in the Carpathian mountains. Her father was Reb Yosef Davidovics, and the ten children lived an extremely idyllic childhood. The sisters would make their way between Upper Apsha and Lower Apsha, where their Fried grandparents resided, and rest near the stream that ran through town.
It was due to the incredible chinuch of her parents that she remained frum, despite being left nearly alone in the world, and despite the temptations from the outside world that beckoned.
She married Reb Yosef Rothstein, z"l, and together they established a beautiful Torah home with many children and grandchildren and great grandchildren who follow in their ways.
The levaya will take place in Shomrei Hadas at 2:30 this afternoon.
Yehi zichra baruch.