BDE: Mrs. Toba Goldblatt, a”h, Holocaust Survivor

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs.
Goldblatt, proprietor of the legendary Le Bon clothing store together with her
husband for many decades. She was 96 years of age.
The nifteres was born in Poland close to a century ago. Even
as a young girl, her yiras Shomayim stood out, and her mesirus nefesh for
shemiras Shabbos was noted back then. It would not be the last time her
commitment and dedication to kedushas Shabbos would be tested. Her father was
Rav Chaim Dov Rosen, a talmid chochom and yerei shomayim. She
spent the war years in concentration camps. Her father was also fortunate to
survive, and he served as a rov in Frankfurt, Germany, for many years after the
war. He too exhibited mesirus nefesh for Shabbos.
She married Reb Yehuda Aryeh Leib (Leibel) Goldblatt, who
hailed from an extremely distinguished family of Gerer chassidim back home.
Arriving in Boro Park, Reb Leibel joined the flagship Gerer
shtiebel in Boro Park, where he would remain a cherished presence for his
entire life—a dugmah, an example of a chassidishe Yid.
They opened the clothing store, the very first in Boro Park
to proudly bear a “Shomer Shabbos” sign on 13th Avenue, which was
then predominantly open on Shabbos, R”l.
She stood by her husband for every day of their marriage,
and when he became unwell, she took over the business fully.
Despite the loss she had endured, she was always joyful, and
although it was difficult for her to send her sons away to Eretz Yisroel—this
was her sacrifice for Torah. Torah was her greatest pride, and to see her
children and grandchildren perpetuate the legacy of Torah was the only thing
that mattered to her.
She leaves behind a legacy of children, grandchildren, and
great grandchildren Talmdei Chachomim and proud chassidim.
The levaya will take place at Shormei Hadas at 12:00
Yehi Zichra Baruch.
Watch live the levaya of Mrs. Toba Goldblatt, a”h,