BDE: Mrs. Rochel Faiga Frankel, a”h.

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Frankel, a scion of the Sanzer dynasty, and a longtime Boro Park resident. She was 93 years of age.
The nifteres hails from the Bardiyover branch of the Sanzer dynasty (descendants of the Gorlicer Ruv). In this town of Eastern Galicia, she was born to her parents Rav Chaim Yosef and Chana Rita Unger. Her paternal grandfather served as a Rebbe in the town.
She married her husband, Reb Yaakov Yitzchok Frankel, following the war, and soon settled in Boro Park.
She was a true matriarch, who especially enjoyed nurturing her family. Many of her descendants are part of the Bobover chassidus, bringing the Sanzer connection full circle. She leaves behind an beautiful legacy and an upstanding Torah family.
The levaya took place this afternoon at the home of the nifteres.
Yehi Zichra Baruch.