BDE: Mrs. Rivka Tandowski, a”h, 100, of Krakow-Crown Heights, and Boro Park

BDE: Mrs. Rivka Tandowski, a”h, 100, of Krakow-Crown Heights, and Boro Park

By: Boropark24 staff

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Tandowski, a regal matriarch to her family, known and beloved in the community, who survived the Holocaust with emunah and positivity. She was nearing her 100th birthday. 

She was born in Krakow into the Greenberg family, prominent Bobover chassidim. Her mother was from the legendary Beigel family of bakers in Krakow. As the endured the worst geihinom in the camps, she and her three sisters remained from a family of ten.    

After spending some time in Sweden following the war, she married Shmiel Tandowski, a Gerer chossid from Lodz. Together they would rebuild. 

They settled in Crown Heights, Where Reb Shmiel was one of the founders of the Gerer shtiebel. He along with his partner, Reb Wolf Friedman, z”l, founded S & W Clothing, which would branch out to other neighborhoods. 

They moved to Boro Park, where Mrs. Tandowski became a pillar of the Gerer community. She was a powerhouse,” recalls a grandchild. “She was active in Yeshiva Yagdil Torah, always organizing shiruim for the women, and involved in chessed and tzeddakah... and she was a familiar figure in Ezras Noshim of the the 49th Street Gerer Shtiebel. 

Her pride in the generations that she established was overflowing, and she saw in it the greatest revenge in Hitler. For as long as her grandchildren can remember, she would always say: “After 120, when I leave this world, I will proudly show my parents their beautiful generations.” 

As this matriarch ascends to Shomayim, following a lifetime of rebuilding after so much pain and loss, and fulfill her long held promise, she will surely beseech the Kisei Hakovod to bring a swift end to the galus and Klal Yisroel’s suffering. 

The levaya will take place at 12:00 this afternoon (Wednesday) at Shomrei Hadas, and kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel. 

Watch Live the Levya Mrs. Rivka Tandowski, a”h

Yehi Zichra Baruch 

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