BDE: Mrs. Reizel Schwartz, a”h

BDE: Mrs. Reizel Schwartz, a”h

By: Boropark24 staff 

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Schwartz, a Holocaust survivor and matriarch to large Torah family. She was 91 years of age. 

The nifteres was born to her father, Reb Yaakov Jacobovitz of Nieredhaz, Hungary, in the year 1931. 

While her family was wiped out in the war, she was fortunate to survive. 

She married Reb Moshe Schwartz, a legendary Klausenberger Chossid who was famed in the chasidus, and was close to the previous Klausenberg Ruv, zt”l. 

Together they built an exceptional Torah home, with generations of Bnei Torah and chassidim who have been born on American soil. 

Among them is her son-in-law, Rav Yosef Deitch, Kleinvardeiner Ruv of Boro Park. 

Mrs. Schwartz passed away this morning, following a lifetime dedicated to Torah and Yiddishkeit, despite great adversity. 

The Levaya will take place in front of the Klausenberger Shul in Boro Park at 10:00 Wednesday morning. 

Yehi Zichra baruch.

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