BDE: Mrs. Reitza Forleger-Bryn, a"h, Last Surviving Grandchild of Bnei Shileishim of Kosson

By: Yehuda Alter
We are saddened to inform you about the untimely passing of Mrs. Reitza Forlerger-Bryn months shy of her hundredth birthday.
She was the last surviving grandchild of Rav Yehosef Rottenberg, the Bnei Shileishim of Kosson, who was famed throughout Hungary for his greatness. She was also descended from the Chakal Yitzchok of Spinka.
Following the war, she settled in Germany, where she raised a beautiful Torah family. She exhibited much mesirus nefesh for the chinuch of her children, sending her boys to neighboring countries for their chinuch.
For the last 25 years she resided in Boro Park near some of her children where she was beloved by all who knew her. She was sharp and independent until her last days.
The Levaya will take place at the Kossoner Beis Medrash on Fourteenth Avenue at 6:30 this afternoon.
Yehi zichra Baruch