BDE: Mrs. Mirel Kauftheil, A"H

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Kauftheil on erev Yom Tov. She was 84.
She was the mother of the legendary Boro Park ba’al tzedaka, Reb Yechezkel Koftheil, and the wife of ybl”ch Reb Nesanel Kauftheil. She was the older sister of, ybl”ch, legendary composer Yossi Green.
She was born in Temeshvar, Romania to Reb Moshe and Sarah Rivkah Grun. She was fortunate to be in Eretz Yisroel during the war, and was spared the terrible fate of so many of her brethren, Hy”d.
She was the proprietor of the legendary “Touch of Class” clothing store on 16th Avenue for many decades—and it became a Boro Park institution in no small part due to her incredible personality. She ran the business until her last days.
“She had a ayin tovah. She would never speak I’ll of anyone,” recalls a relative. “She was Always upbeat, always optimistic, always exceedingly kind.”
The Levaya will take place tomorrow morning at 10:00, at Shomrei Hadas. Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.
Yehi zichra baruch.
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