BDE: Mrs. Libby Langner A”H

Boro Park - We are saddened to inform of the petira of Mrs. Libby Langner, a lifetime resident and store owner of Boro Park, who passed away on Wednesday night. She was 89.
Mrs. Langner was born in Brooklyn in 1931 to Reb Aharon and Kayla Flohr, later marrying Reb Avraham Langner.
She took ill recently and was in the Boro Park Center across from Maimonides Medical Center at the time of his passing.
The levaya will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Tartikover beis medrash at 1452 55th Street. Kevura will be at the Beth David cemetery in Elmont, New York.
Yehi zichra boruch.