BDE: Mrs. Eta Grunspan, A"H

BDE: Mrs. Eta Grunspan, A"H

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Eta Grunspan, a”h, who left this world Friday night at the age of 96.

She was born in Czekeslovakia in 1925, to her parents, Reb Yidel and Leba Kahn. She survived the Holocaust through great miracles (her mother refused to eat the treif that was served to them, and subsequently passed away in the presences of her daughter, Eta). 

With ironclad strength and determination, she set about rebuilding from the ashes. She married her husband, Reb Shmaya Grunspan, in the aftermath of the war, and a daughter was born to them back in Europe. They would have three sons after their arrival in America. 

The Grunspans raised a beautiful Torah family,  davening in the Chuster Beis Medrash on Fort Hamilton, for decades. 

“She was an exceptionally wise woman, and extremely dedicated to her family. Her family was everything to her,” recalled one family acquaintance. 

Mrs. Grunspan remained sharp and alert until her last days, bring pleasure to all those who were privileged to know her—and she, in turn, merited to see much nachas in her long life. 

The levaya will take place tomorrow (Sunday) at 1:00 at Shomrei Hadas Chapels. 

Yehi zichra baruch.

BDE: Reb Shmuel Dovid Pilicer, Z"L
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